3rd Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics – WECM ‘24
and PhD students Forum – PhDsF24

About the workshop

Department of Fundamentals of Production Engineering at LUT

in cooperation with

the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering of the University of Pisa


LUT Doctoral School

announce a joint event of

3rd Workshop on Experimental and Computational Mechanics


PhD students Forum

held on

May 27–28, 2024

The two workshops have in target meeting an increasing demand for a scientific forum of PhD students and researchers in the field of different sciences and disciplines. The event will take place at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Lublin University of Technology (LUT) in Lublin, Poland, on May 27–28, 2024. The programme of the event includes invited lectures of experienced researchers, as well as original presentations given by PhD students. Any interesting topics within mechanical engineering domain, as well as interdisciplinary studies, are welcome.

Prof. Sylwester Samborski, Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Prof. Rafał Rusinek, Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Prof. Paolo S. Valvo, University of Pisa, Italy

Prof. Daniele Fanteria, University of Pisa, Italy – WECM’24 co-chairman
Dr. Jakub Rzeczkowski, Lublin University of Technology, Poland – WECM’24 co-chairman
MSc. Eng. Damian Kostyła, Lublin University of Technology, Poland – PhDsF24 co-chairman


The conception of the WECM workshops arose in the Polish-Italian group of scientists, cooperating in the field of experimental and computational mechanics, within the framework of bilateral agreement between Lublin University of Technology (Lublin, Poland) and the University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy). Taking advantage of international cooperation of both universities, a multinational Scientific Advisory Board was established. Many of its members had experience in teaching abroad as Visiting Professors, whereas most of the workshop participants attended the VP’s lectures. This way the event enabled gathering the teachers and the students all together - in one place and time, even though the “online” option was provided. The workshop should thus be found a possibility to deepen the knowledge and understanding for those, who study - in accordance with its motto, as well as to share ideas and results - for those, who teach. These goals are expected to be reached more effectively by dedicating WECM’24 to PhD students from the two universities. In particular, as the red letter “W” indicates – the emphasis is on the discussion among the two sides of the stage. Hopefully, the workshop will become a cyclic event in the nearest future.


mechanics, materials, experiment, simulation, fracture, damage, fluid flow


MSN - WECM'24 - PhDsF24
SHORT Workshop Programme
FINAL Workshop Programme

Invited Lectures
Monday, May 27th
1. Filip Górski (Poznan University of Technology, Poland): Individualized 3D Printed Orthopaedic and Prosthetic Devices Using AutoMedPrint Technology: Methodologies and Examples
2. Farida Kharchenko (Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine): Declogging of blocked holes of perforated sifting surfaces of separation equipment
3. Panayiotis Tsokanas (KU Leuven, Belgium): Interlaminar fracture in asymmetric specimens: an open topic
Tuesday, May 28th
4. Tomasz Pawlak (3D Phoenix, Poland): Incremental technologies - alternative manufacturing methods
5. Anna Gębarska(SMARTTECH3D): 3D scanners as a basic tool for a modern engineer

Dossiers of the Invited Speakers can be found HERE.


Participation in the workshops is free of charge, as they are an introductory event
to the 10th MSN International Scientific Symposium held on May 26-29 (fee: 1900 PLN, see msn2024.pollub.pl).

To register click ----> HERE



Should you have any questions or concerns, please, do not hesitate to ask directly the Chairmen:
prof. Sylwester Samborski or prof. Paolo S. Valvo by e-mail:
s.samborski@pollub.pl or paolo.sebastiano.valvo@unipi.it, respectively.


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020
PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki LubelskiejPOWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17